This is Mystery. He is the Mascot for the website.
In his spare time he likes to battle.
He wishes he had a girlfriend.
As a baby he was soooooooooooooooo cute!
His best friend is a Houndour.
He lost his parents and little bro along time ago.
He is 16 and knows the moves: Shadow ball, Dark Pulse, Iron Tail and Fire Fang.
( To see Mystery's first story, check in at 1-1-09 and see!
I couldn't wait to write to first story!
As you all know Mystery's family is gone so he set of on his own full of hope. He traveled through woods, deserts, mountians and oceans. One day he came to a cliff. He look over. Down under the cliff was a city. He walked off the cliff and ran. It started to rain very hard. It was night so there was no people to help him so he ran into a alley. He settled down to sleep. He had a dream. In his dream there was a voice. It said, you will find hope. The next morning he woke up and asked,"Hello? Anyone there?" He set outside and looked around. It was morning and sunny. He ran over to a starly. "Did you talk to me last night?" "No." The Starly answered. He walked in the city for hours, hungry and cold. He collasped on the ground. He was so tired. A Girl with another Umbreon looked at him. "Poor little thing she said." She took him into her house and layed Mystery on the bed.
" My name is Amanda, and this is Kody." " You two play well!" "Hi!" Said Kody." Whats your name?" " Mystery." " I will show you around the city! Come on!" So Mystery and Kody went of. Kody showed Mystery the whole city. When they got back to Amanda's house a Vaporeon poped out. "Hi Kody!" said the Vaporeon. " This my girlfriend, Aqua." Kody told Mystery. Mystery looked jealously at Kody. "I wanted a girlfriend." thought Mystery. Kody and Aqua hugged good-bye.
Kody and Mystery went back to Amanda's house to eat. "Yum." thought Mystery. "This food rocks." Mystery settled back to bed. Later that night Mystery sat down by the cliff over looking the sea Kody showed him.He heard a voice. " Hello." it said in a sweet voice. He turned around and a beautiful Espeon was looking at him. Mystery blushed. "Hello." she said. " My name is Secret." " My name is Mystery." He answered. Then he remembered her.
To be continued . . . . . . .
Unbeliveable Pokemon
Mystery looked at Secret. "You are that girl who saved me from the fire that killed my family 11 years ago." " I can remember you." "Why did you run from me when you saved me?" asked Mystery. " . . . . . ." Secret looked at Mystery, blushed, and ran away. Mystery quietly ran back to Kody's and Amanda's house and laid back in bed.
Kody woke up and walked up to Mystery. " Where did you go?" asked Kody. " To the cliff." Mystery answered. " Why?" asked Kody. " I was thinking." Mystery told Kody. " Go to Bed!" Mystery and Kody fell back to sleep. Meanwhile . . . . . . Secret settled down to sleep. She looked at the sky and wispered, Mystery. The next day. . . .
Kody woke up Mystery and ate their food and set outside. Aqua popped out again! "Hi Kody!" Aqya said! All three of them saw somthing blue fly past the corner. They followed. Mmmmmmmmeeeeeeewwwwwww! They heard a call! Off they ran faster and faster. They came into a clearing. There stood a shiny Mew.